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Item details:

Author: WALLACE Robert

Heather And Moor Burning For Grouse And Sheep

1917.  1st Edn,.  Oliver and Boyd.  Edinburgh.  88 pages, frontis illus of red grouse + 15 other plates, publishers green cloth, titles in black, vg. [21141]
Price: £30.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WALTER John

Hints To Young Sportsmen On The Gun, Saddle, And Rod

1871.  1st Edn.  A.H.Bailey & Co.  46 pages, some spotting to blank end papers, presentation inscription to H Lubbock from the author to front blank, armorial bookplate to front paste down, publishers green cloth, gilt title to upper cover, rubbing to edges, head of spine chipped. "Gives some advise on buying a gun and using it" Chute 657 [19860]
Price: £60.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WATSON Alfred E.T.

King Edward VII As A Sportsman

1911.  1st Edn,.  Longmans Green and Co.  , xxx 380 pages, 4to., TEG, illus, 10 in colour and numerous other illus, foxing to photogravure frontis plate of Edward VII (as usual), full page plates including 7 in colour by Thorburn bound in the publishers white parchment, red leather crest to upper board, spine has gold crest and sporting vignettes, some discoloration to the parchment as often found, a book rarely found in vg condition, a large paper copy limited to 255 numbered copies. Covers shooting at Sandringham, Windsor, Stalking at Balmoral etc., sport abroad including tiger shooting etc., also chapters on hunting, horse racing etc. Chute 667. [21053]
Price: £150.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WATSON John editor

The Confessions Of A Poacher

1890.  1st Edn,.  172 pages, advs, full page and text illus by James West, foxing to prelims, green cloth board, gilt title to upper board and black letters to spine. Chute 669 [12261]
Price: £30.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WATSON John editor

The Confessions Of A Poacher

1890.  1st Edn,.  The Leadenhall Press.  172 pages, 14 pages of advs, full page and text illus by James West, foxing to end papers, armorial bookplate to front paste down, green/grey cloth board, gilt title to upper board and black letters to spine. Chute 669 [19619]
Price: £30.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WATT W.

Remarks On Shooting In Verse

1839.  2nd revised and enlarged Edn,.  A.H.Bailey and Co.  XIX 288 pages, engraved frontis, includes a list of London, Dublin, Edinburgh and Glasgow gunmakers. A vg- copy in publishers blind stamped cloth. Includes the recent and admirable induction of the patent wire cartridge and "some verses on trolling". the trolling section did not appear in the 1st edition W/S 258, Chute 671, Schwerdt Vol 2 291, Riling 466. "a lecture on shooting supposed to be delivered by Johnny in verse at a village Alehouse" in verse. [15989]
Price: £70.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WATT W.

Remarks On Shooting In Verse

1839.  2nd revised and enlarged Edn,.  A.H.Bailey and Co.  XIX 288 pages, engraved frontis, includes a list of London, Dublin, Edinburgh and Glasgow gunmakers. A vg- copy in publishers blind stamped cloth. Includes the recent and admirable induction of the patent wire cartridge and "some verses on trolling". the trolling section did not appear in the 1st edition W/S 258, Chute 671, Schwerdt Vol 2 291, Riling 466. "a lecture on shooting supposed to be delivered by Johnny in verse at a village Alehouse" in verse. [6128]
Price: £70.00 Add to basket

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King George V as a Sportsman, An Informal Study Of The First Country Gentleman In Europe

nd 1935.  1st Edn,.  Cassell.  299 pages, 52 photogravure illus, green cloth, vg. Chapters on shooting including shooting at Sandringham, big game hunting including the Kings Durban visit to India hunting in Nepal for the rhino, bear etc and a tiger hunt. Czech 60. [21137]
Price: £25.00 Add to basket

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The Modern Fowler With a Guide To Some Of The Principle Wildfowling Resorts Of Today

1949.  new revised and enlarged Edn,.  The Batchworth Press.  272 pages, frontis, 22 full page b/w illus from photographs, a vg+ copy in dj, chipped at head of spine. [21958]
Price: £25.00 Add to basket

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British Duck Decoys of Today 1918

1918.  1st Edn,.  Burlington Publishing.  138 pages, full page illustrated with line drawings and photographs and text drawings. Bookplate to the front paste down, publishers' green cloth some faint discoloration the spine evenly darkened. A scarce title which gives details of decoys being worked in 1918 county by county. Whitaker owned a decoy and took great pleasure from its use. Includes a loose folding paper plan in pencil for a decoy. Chute 677 [23476]
Price: £130.00 Add to basket

Item details:


British Duck Decoys of Today 1918

1918.  1st Edn,.  Burlington Publishing.  138 pages, full page illustrated with line drawings and photographs and text drawings. Publishers' green cloth the spine evenly darkened. A scarce title which gives details of decoys being worked in 1918 county by county. Whitaker owned a decoy and took great pleasure from its use. Chute 677 [23536]
Price: £110.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WILDFOWLER Clement Lewis

Public Shooting Quarters, Being A Descriptive List Of Localities Where Wildfowl And Other Shooting Can Be Obtained

1881.  1st Edn,.  Horace Cox "The Field".  iv 193 pages, (10pp) advs + advert end papers, re-cased in the original printedgrey cloth covered boards, printed in black some darkening, the spine re-layed. Ownership slip for I. Pearce Way on front paste down. An extremely scarce title. A guide giving details of locality, availability of shooting, quarry that may be encountered, directions, hotels, shoot owners etc., Not listed in Chute. Riling or Gerrare, only 3 copies located in UK libraries [23491]
Price: £600.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WILDFOWLER, Clements Lewis

Shooting And Yachting And Sea Fishing Trips at Home And On The Continent Second Series

1877.  1st Edn,.  Chapman Hall.  2 Vols, VIII 307 & VII 313 pages, advert leaf, publishers blue/green cloth blind stamped, decorative boards and spine highlighted in black. Small chip to spine centre, Vol. 2 3x2mm, cloth clean and bright. A continuation of the author's trip in pursuit of sport including a great deal on wildfowling. Chute 113. [18822]
Price: £155.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WILKINS John

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ENGLISH GAMEKEEPER (John Wilkins of Stanstead, Essex). Edited by Arthur H. Byng and Stephen M. Stephens.

1892.  2nd revised Edn.  T Fisher Unwin.  vi- 441pp, (6)pp adverts pages uncut, frontis of John Wilkins + 5 full page plates some occasional spotting to plates and tissue guards. Sporting bookplate to front paste down. Grey cloth binding with gilt title an vignette in black of John Wilkins. A very good copy the cloth clean and bright. The life story of a gamekeeper born early in the 19th century. His biggest problem seems to have been poachers. Chute 066. [22955]
Price: £50.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: William Wilson

Gamekeepers Declaration of Possession of William Wilson Whinbergh Norfolk

1883.  Folding large quarto 32 cm x 20.5 cm Folded to 4 sheets 2 with handwritten declaration with red seal. Wilson Gamekeeper declares he is 64 and spent nearly all his life on the estate of Park Farms belonging to the Clayton family and recently sold to. John Stovin Foster. Wilson is confirming parts of the estate and ownership. He signs the document with his mark a large X. Some light dust soiling the handwriting legible. [23138]
Price: £28.00 Add to basket

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Foreign Field Sports, Fisheries, Sporting Anecdotes &c. &c. With a Supplement of New South Wales, Containing One Hundred and Ten Plates. From drawings by Messrs. Howitt, Atkinson, Clark, Manskirch, &c.

1814-1813.  1st edn.  Edward Orme, printseller to his Majesty.  Unpaginated 4to. 110 hand-coloured plates. Each plate accompanied by explanatory text. 100 plates to the first part, second title page for the New South Wales section with 10 coloured plates, all edges gilt. Armorial bookplate to the front paste down of Mr Robt Maxwell, some light spotting to blank end papers. Bound in contemporary full straight-grained dark green Morocco binding, gilt tooled and blind stamped frames to the boards. The spine with raised bands gilt ornate tooling to 4 compartments and gilt title. Some light surface rubbing to the edges. The work depicts all manner of hunting sports and trapping, including big game hunting, whaling, fishing, birding, hunting in North America, Germany, Lapland, Spain, Russia, India, Asia and Africa, bull fighting in Spain. The New South Wales supplement with the illustrations of the 'Field sports depicting hunting and customs of the Indigenous Peoples. "The colour plates in this work, especially those drawn by Howitt, are both fine as regards draughtsmanship and production" Schwerdt 1, 177-179.Abbey Travel 2 [23809]
Price: £2000.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WILLOCK Colin

The Bedside Wildfowler

1966.  1st Edn,.  Andre Deutsch.  216 pages, illus with full page plates + text drawings, vg in dj. [15270]
Price: £25.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WINANS Walter

Shooting For Ladies

1911.  1st Edn,.  G.P. Putnam''s Son.  London & New York.  xi 107 pp., 9 pp of sporting adverts (English Companies) with illustrations some aimed at the lady shooter. Frontis portrait of the author in "Austrian Chamois Hunting Costume" 7 full page plates of ladies in various shooting attire 3 plates of targets +3 text illustrations. Original pictorial green cloth, with title in black and vignette of a lady pistol shooting, light rubbing to the head of the spine. Advice offered to ladies on various forms of shooting with pistol, rifle, and shotgun target and game. A difficult title to find. Riling 1730 [23477]
Price: £250.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WOOD Samuel

British Bird Preserver, or How to Skin, Stuff and Mount Birds And Animals

n/d circa 1877.  1st Edn,.  Frederick Warne And Co.  128 pages, adverts, frontis illus and numerous text illus, verso of title page 2 small coloured stickers unrelated, lacking the paper spine, but a tight copy, original pictorial paper covered boards showing bird scene to upper board. Wood describes himself as a naturalist and professional bird preserver, The contents give details of tools and equipment required skinning etc, also habits of birds and mammals with notes and setting them up. [6575]
Price: £55.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: WORMALD J.

How To Increase A Stock Of Partridges

nd circa 1912.  2nd.  The Field & Queen (Horace Cox) Ltd.  36 pages, Frontis and 5 full page illustrations from photographs. Publishers maroon cloth with gilt title to the upper cover VG. Being a detailed account of how to work the "Euston" system, and others. Chute 685 [23022]
Price: £25.00 Add to basket

Item details:

Author: Wright, R. G. and Dewar, Douglas

The Ducks of India: Their Habits, Breeding Grounds and Migrations; together with other Useful Information for the Sportsman and Observer.

1925.  1st.  HF & G Witherby.  231 pages, Top edge gilt large 8vo 22 full page plates in colour. VG in the original good DJ, DJ with some loss and closed tears old repairs to verso now in a removable clear sleeve, unusual to find in DJ. [23560]
Price: £85.00 Add to basket
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