Gale And Polden Ltd |
Notes On Individual Fieldcraft
nd Circa 1940.
Gale and Polden Ltd.
23 pages, Illustrated with photographs line drawings and maps. Printed staple bound card covers, very good. Covers concealment , camouflage, direction finding , firing from buildings. Night fieldcraft sentries crossing wire etc with accompanying illustrations.
[22598] |
£25.00 |
Gebhardt James F |
The official SKS manual : instructions for use and maintenance of the 7.62mm Simonov self-loading carbine (SKS)
1st Edn.
Palladin Press.
87, 4to illustrated with line drawings showing the guns assembly parts etc. Publishers printed grey card covers. Fine copy a translation from the original Russian edition.
[22084] |
£30.00 |
GERRARD Edward and Sons |
Price List Of Specimans For School, Museums Or Class Use Or For Working Collections
nd circa 1927.
16 pages, 14 page b/w plates, oblong 8vo., printed paper covers. Covers mounted birds, reptiles, skulls, anatomical and biological models, skeletons, brains, vg.
[16957] |
£30.00 |
Greener |
Shots From A Greener Gun
December 1925.
House of Greener.
16 page illustrated promotional booklet No 3. Inside the front cover Duck Guns Punt gun for Sale. Article on Wild fowling at Long Island, Shot Concentrator, a pair of Comminazzos and other related articles. Printed green card covers corner cut from the rear flap staple bound staples beginning to rust causing 2 loose pages. I have been unable to find any details on the publication other than the date and number on the front cover.
[23149] |
£25.00 |
The Empire Gun
nd circa 1954.
folio folded advert sheet, centre crease.
[14554] |
£15.00 |
Gunnery School R A C Centre |
Restricted Provisional Instruction Notes .50-in Browning Machine Gun L1A1 with STAND VEHICLE L!A! or STAND GROUND L2A1
Sept 1954.
Unpaginated (34pp)m, 4to illustrated with 10 plates of drawings (1 folding) showing the guns , mountings, sights etc. Staple bound in the publishers printed card covers. VG details mounting , handling, stripping and assembly, mechanism, care cleaning , immediate action, technique of shooting.
[23581] |
£36.00 |